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Citizenship of Cyprus in 3 years, new fast-track naturalization rules

Citizenship of Cyprus in 3 years is possible now under the remarkable rule amendments from the Ministry of Interior. These amendments will help many foreigners who live there legally and are highly qualified.

The naturalization process will be possible in 3 or 4 years provided that certain requirements are met for highly qualified workers and investors. The normal residence requirements are 7 years, however.

On 22 March 2024, the Ministry of the Interior Cyprus announced the receipt and examination of applications for naturalization submitted by the provisions of the Population Record (Amendment) Law of 2023. The groundbreaking new regulations have made Cyprus in the EU the only country with the most accelerated citizenship path via residency.

Cyprus has been a part of the EU since 2004 and is also the next candidate on the Schengen countries list as a member because it has applied the Schengen acquis. The Schengen evaluation process to assess the readiness to join the Schengen area is under process. 
According to the latest available "EU Citizenship Statistics", the country has so far issued 2,900 foreigners citizenship in 2022.

Here we will discuss all the aspects of the amendments one by one below.

Requirements for Citizenship in 7 years

The general requirements of naturalization in Cyprus are the same for all. These are the requirements everyone must fulfill before applying for citizenship according to the “Article 111B (1) of the Population Register Law:

Mandatory requirement of 12 months

Before submitting the citizenship application, the applicant must have lived legally and continuously residence for 12 months. During this period, the applicant should not have lived outside Cyprus for more than 90 days;

Extended residence requirement of 7 years

the applicant must have also lived during the last 10 years, a total of not less than 7 years in Cyprus (if the applicant is a parent or child of a Cypriot citizen, then the eligible residence duration is 5 years). This 10 years duration must be counted before above mentioned 12 months;

Personal and integration skills

The applicant of the citizenship status must have a good character which means no criminal records. They should hold adequate knowledge of the Greek language at CEFR level B1. Adequate knowledge of basic elements of the Republic’s modern political and social reality is also a requirement that county towards integration in Cyprus. An intention to reside in Cyprus in the future is also mandatory to declare.

Sound personal circumstances

The applicant for naturalization should have adequate accommodation and stable and regular financial resources sufficient for the maintenance of themselves and their family members.

Requirements of Citizenship in 3 or 4 years

Highly qualified employees (as well as their family members) if they work in companies which are determined by the Decision of the Council of Ministers with no. 92.018 and date 15/10/2021, regarding the strategy for attracting companies to activate and/or expand their activities can get citizenship in 3 or 4 years. The highly qualified foreign workers are those who:

  • hold a work permit and work for key positions such as Directory, manager, or Specialist in an International Business Company: or
  • employees of such companies under any permissible permit who earn every month €2,500. They should prove that they hold a university degree or equivalent qualification or relevant work experience of 2 years.

The citizenship application requirements for these highly qualified employees are:

Mandatory residence of 12 months

The highly qualified employee should have a legal and continuous residence for 12 months immediately preceding the date of application (the absence period from Cyprus of a maximum of 3 months is allowed);

Extended residence for Citizenship in 4 or 3 years

During the immediately preceding 10 years from the 12 months to have a legal residence for cumulative periods of no less than 4 years or 3 years depending on the level of knowledge of the Greek language. For eligibility claimed based on three years, the B1 level is required and for the 4 years eligibility claim a level of A2 is required. Periods of absence that do not exceed a total of 90 days per year are not counted as absences.

Integration in Cyprus

The applicant of citizenship:

  • should have good character and intention to reside in the Republic of Cyprus;
  • should have sufficient knowledge of the Greek language at level A2 or B1; and
  • must have adequate knowledge of basic elements of the Republic’s modern political and social reality.

Financial stability

The applicant for naturalization request should have adequate accommodation and stable and regular financial resources sufficient for maintaining themselves and their family members.

Eligible Companies for this category

The candidates who want to apply under the above-mentioned category must be employed in the following companies:

Cypriot hi-tech/innovation

Companies with products related to the aerospace industry, computers, IT, technology and communication, pharmaceuticals, biomedical equipment, research and development equipment, electrical machinery, chemicals, and non-electrical machinery are also eligible for this category.

Companies that have a chain of business

The category includes businesses or companies of foreign interests operating in Cyprus. These must be operating independent offices in Cyprus, which are housed in suitable premises, separate from any private residence or other office.

Other type of companies

The workers working in the following companies are also eligible to apply for citizenship under the laws of “Article 111B(2):

  • The shipping companies;
  • Cypriot pharmaceutical companies or Cypriot companies active in the fields of biogenetics and biotechnology, and
  • the companies that are already registered in the Register of Foreign Companies of the Department of Population and Immigration Records.

Processing Times for Citizenship in Cyprus

Depending on the application type, the processing time can be from 1 to 2 years. This is why it is highly advised to submit the citizenship application with complete documentation.

Required Documents for Citizenship Application

The applicants for citizenship of Cyprus must submit the following documents:

  • Resume and work certificate;
  • Photocopies of the applicant’s passport showing the arrival and departure stamps;
  • Birth certificate;
  • Criminal records;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Detailed status of arrivals and departures;
  • Copies of advertisements in two consecutive daily newspapers announcing that the applicant has applied for Naturalization;
  • Supporting documents for application form M127; and
  • Two passport-size photographs stamped by local Muhtar.

Naturalization Fee

The naturalization fee is charged in two installments. The applicant pays €500 at the time of application submission and €500 after approval.

How to apply for Naturalization?

The applicant must prepare a complete list of arrivals and departures to and from Cyprus (based on passport stamps) which will confirm the required days of stay. Each family member must submit a separate application and pay the required fee. You should consult the foreigner’s authority office about the latest form and requirements if needed.

Files from,, Ministry of Interior Cyprus, and Umer Rasib.