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Decreto Flussi Quota 2025 for seasonal, non-seasonal, and self-employment visas

For the first time in history, the Italian government announced the Decreto Flussi program’s quota for 3 years at the same time. This is why, we already know the quota of 2025 for the intake of flows decree. The Ministry of Interior Italy has set aside the quota for 2025 as 165,000. For seasonal workers, a quota of 93,550, for self-employed workers 730, and for non-seasonal workers 70,720 have been reserved. These quotas are also further divided into different immigration programs.

Decreto Flussi Quota details 2025

The sector-wise distribution of quota is as follows:

a) Seasonal Work Visa Quota

Type of visas / AgreementsQuota
Citizens of countries with future immigration agreements14,000
Citizens of states running campaigns against irregular migration trafficking3,500
Stateless persons and refugees50
Citizens of countries with migration and multi-seasonal agreements2,000
Citizens of countries with immigration agreements in the agricultural sector (application submitted by associations of employers)42,000
Citizens of countries with current immigration agreements in the tourism sector (application submitted by employer associations)32,000

b) Self-Employed Work Quota

Type of visas / AgreementsQuota
Citizens of states running campaigns against irregular migration trafficking150
Workers of Italian origin residing in Venezuela10
Stateless persons and refugees20
Citizens belonging to specific categories500
Conversion of other residence permits into permits for self-employment work50

c) Non-Seasonal Work Visa Quota

Type of visas / AgreementsQuota
Citizens of states running campaigns against irregular migration trafficking2,850
Citizens of countries with current immigration agreements25,000
Citizens of countries with future immigration agreements28,000
Workers of Italian origin residing in Venezuela90
Stateless persons and refugees180
Workers in the family and socio-healthcare sector9,500
Conversion of other residence permits into permits for employment5,100

The Italian Government on 3 October 2023 announced the Decreto Flussi quota from 2023 to 2025.

YearTotal QuotaSeasonalNon-SeasonalSelf-Employed

This was the first time that Italy decided to announce to quota for its work visa system for 3 continuous years in advance. This not only helps the relevant authorities to well prepare for all procedures in advance but also the applicants hope that if they do not succeed this time, next year they also have a chance to reapply.

Italian government through its Decreto Flussi (Flows Degree) program issues work visas for seasonal, non-seasonal subordinate, and self-employed purposes. All process is done through the online portals of the Ministry of Interior Italy on appointed days which are called click days. On these days, the employers of the proposed workers can submit applications for work permits on the web portal.

Once documents are authorized by the authorities, a work permit called “Nulla Osta” is issued which can then be used to apply for a work visa by the applicant in his country of origin – to the embassy of Italy.

Applicants need a job offer to apply for the visa. Without a job offer, a visa cannot be obtained. The Italian government has not set aside any specific parameters for the job requirements. A job offer can be obtained for seasonal or non-seasonal work by just simply applying for it and getting accepted by Italian employers.

Seasonal visas are monthly 9 months or less and are non-refundable in most cases. On the other hand, a non-seasonal subordinate visa can be for 1 year to 2 years or more. Applicants are welcome to apply for the immigration program from selected non-EU countries which are announced every year.