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Denmark raises citizenship application fee to 6,000 Kroner

  • The fee for applying for Danish citizenship for foreigners will rise from DKK 4,000 to DKK 6,000.
  • After an initial free re-application, any further re-applications for citizenship will incur a fee of DKK 3,000.
  • For young people born or raised in Denmark, the citizenship fee will remain at DKK 4,000 due to Denmark’s special international obligations.

Denmark raises the citizenship application fee as the government reaches an agreement with the Liberal Alliance about it. This move aims to align the fee more closely with the actual costs of processing these applications.

“I am happy that with this agreement we are now raising the fee for applying for Danish citizenship so that it reflects to a greater extent the expenses that the Danish state has to process the cases. It’s only fair.

At the same time, the ministry has seen numerous examples of applicants applying many times and being rejected every time. In my eyes, it is not right that people can apply again and again without paying. Because of course, it costs money for the treasury to process these re-applications. So I am very satisfied with the agreement.

However, I am sorry that I now have to regard the Conservatives as withdrawing from the citizenship agreement. Naturally, I would have preferred that they had stayed in the agreement circle.”

Immigration and Integration Minister Kaare Dybvad Bek (S) stateted.

Current and New Danish Citizenship Fee

Currently, the fee to apply for Danish citizenship through naturalization is DKK 4,000. However, under the new agreement, this fee will be increased to DKK 6,000.

Re-application fee for Denmark’s nationality

Previously, applicants denied citizenship could reapply an unlimited number of times without incurring additional fees. This policy has now been revised. According to the new agreement, only the first re-application will remain free of charge. Any subsequent re-applications will require a payment of DKK 3,000.

Naturalization Fees for Young Applicants

Young individuals born or raised in Denmark will not be affected by this change. They currently pay the same application fee as other applicants, which is DKK 4,000. The government and the Liberal Alliance have decided to maintain this fee for young applicants. This decision is influenced by Denmark’s international obligations to this particular group of applicants.

Conservative People’s Party Withdrawal

The agreement also notes the Conservative People’s Party’s withdrawal from the citizenship rights agreement. The withdrawal follows the party’s failure to support several legislative bills related to citizenship rights, including the most recent bill discussed and voted on in the Folketing on June 4, 2024.

Denmark immigration changes are now continouly coming in a row. New Bills have been passed by the Danish Parliament on 30 May 2024 regarding family reunification and permanent residence in Denmark.

On 4 June 2024, the Danish Parliament passed a law proposal on a residence scheme based on educational attachment.

Files from, Umer Rasib, Denmark Immigration Services, Immigration and Integration Ministery.