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Shortage occupations list in Luxembourg for work visa

ADEM department is responsible for employment search issues shortage occupations list in Luxembourg that helps the country to determine which workers it needs the most. Like many other EU countries, Luxembourg is also considering now allowing third-country nationals to be a part of its labor market through employment permits.

Working in a country that pays the highest salary rates is a luxury and benefiting from your skills. After a concrete job offer from Luxembourg, citizens of non-EU countries can apply for a work visa.

Shortage occupations list in Luxembourg

According to the ADEM, Official Journal, the following are the occupations set as shortage occupations in the labor market in Luxembourg. There are fewer people in the country to perform these jobs so foreign workers from third countries upon having a job offer can also come to Luxembourg and work in these professions.

Job CodeJob TitleOther Titles
C1202Analysis of credits and banking risksCredit and banking risk analyst, Know Your Customer Analyst – KYC, Bank commitment manager, Bank risk manager
C1206Banking customer managementBanking customer manager, Professional banking customer manager
C1301Financial markets front officeForex trader, Manager of collective investment undertaking in transferable securities – UCITS, Trading room trader
C1302Back and middle-office management of financial marketsBack-office manager, Middle-office agent, Back-office agent
F1610Installation and restoration of roofsRoofer team leader, Roofer, Photovoltaic panel installer, Zinc worker
H1206Management and engineering studies, research, and industrial developmentResearch and development engineer for renewable energies in industry, Research and development project manager, Industrial systems engineer, Robotic engineer in industry, Mechatronics engineer in industry, Mechanical engineer in industry, Thermodynamic engineer in industry, Electrical systems engineer in industry, Engineer.
Engineer in aeronautical structures in the industry, Engineer in the analytical research industry, Engineer in processes, studies, and development, Engineer in nanotechnology in the industry, and Engineer in materials in industry.Electronic components engineer in industry, Chemical engineer in industry, Automotive engineer in industry, Automation engineer in industry, Aerospace engineer in industry, Electronics engineer in industry, Engineer electrician / Industrial electrical engineer, Engineer.
Development engineer in the industry, Product research engineer in industry, Process research engineer in industry, Design and development engineer in the industry, Chemical engineer in the industry, Biological engineer in the industry, Director of research and development in industry, Research and development project manager in industry, Industrial studies project manager, Industrial project study manager, Clinical studies manager in industry.
H2502Production management and engineeringProduction line manager, Production process engineer, Mechanical engineer, Production energy engineer, Production Metal Structures Engineer, Production Process Engineer, Production Process Engineer, Production Mechanics Engineer, Production Electromechanical Engineer, Production Electrical Engineer, Production Engineer / Energy production engineer, 
Production Engineer, Production Biochemistry Engineer, Manufacturing Department Manager,
Production manager, Production line manager.
I1304Installation and maintenance of industrial and operating equipmentIndustrial maintenance agent, Industrial upkeep and maintenance workshop manager, Industrial maintenance team leader, Electromechanical troubleshooter /
Electromechanic tow trucker for industrial equipment, Electromechanic / Electromechanic for industrial maintenance, Electromechanic / Electromechanic for industrial equipment, 
Production equipment maintenance technician, Industrial maintenance technician, Versatile industrial maintenance technician, Technician 
Industrial equipment installation technician, Roving technician / Roving maintenance technician After-Sales Service – After-sales service
J1501Hygiene care, patient comfortNursing assistant / Nursing assistant, Nursing assistant / Home nursing assistant, Hospital nursing assistant / Hospital nursing assistant
J1506General nursing careHospital service nurse, General care nurse, Home hospitalization nurse, Psychiatric nurse,  Coordinating nurse for home support services, Geriatric nurse, Nurse phlebotomist / Nurse phlebotomist
K1104PsychologyArt therapist, Music therapist, Neuropsychologist, Psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Psychotherapist
K1201Social actionSocial worker, Social action service coordinator
K1202 Education of young childrenEducator of young children
K1207Socio-educational interventionSocio-educational educator / Socio-educational educator, Specialized educator / Specialized educator, Student socio-educational educator / socio-educational educator
K1903Defense and legal adviceLawyer, Tax Advisor, Tax Specialist, Jurist, Insurance lawyer, Bank lawyer, Legal department manager
M1201Financial analysis and engineeringFinancial/ financial analyst, Financial/ financial economist, Risk manager – financial risks
M1202Accounting and financial audit and controlInternal Auditor, Chartered Accountant, Auditor / Auditor of accounts, Accounting and financial auditor / Accounting and financial auditor
M1203AccountingAccountant, Accountant of Collective Investment Organization in Securities, Furniture – UCITS, Specialized accountant/ specialized collection, Payroll manager, General accountant, Biller accountant/ invoice assistant (excluding Accounting assistant)
M1204Management controlManagement Controller, Management Control Manager, Financial management controller
M1502Human resources developmentRecruitment manager, Career manager, Human resources development manager, Corporate training manager 
M1801Information systems administrationDatabase Administrator, Administrator, Server administrator, Network administrator – telecoms, Administrator, IT security administrator, IT system administrator
M1802Expertise and technical support in information systemsSoftware code vulnerability analyst, Cloud architect, Information systems security architect, Computer network architect, Information system architect, Auditor in information systems security, Auditor in information systems, Expert in intrusion testing – information systems security, IT methods engineer, IT security manager
M1805IT studies and developmentDecision analyst – Business Intelligence, IT functional analyst, IT organic analyst, Programmer analyst / Industrial IT programmer analyst, Programmer analyst / IT programmer analyst, Programmer analyst / Scientific IT programmer analyst, IT study and development project manager, TMA project manager – Third Party Application Maintenance, Big Data Developer, Business Intelligence Developer, Full-stack developer, IT developer, Developer, Multimedia developer, Web developer, Mobile web developer, IT application integrator, ERP software parameterizer, Tester, IT tester, Webmaster developer
M1806Consulting and project management in information systemsFunctional/functional information system architect, Project manager, Project Management – MOA of information systems, ERP Consultant – Enterprise Resource, Planning, IT Consultant, SaaS Consultant – Software as a Service, Consultant IS CRM/ GRC Customer Relationship Management – Customer Relationship Management, Human resources HRIS consultant.

Salary rates in Luxembourg

The average monthly gross salary in Luxembourg is €5,144. On the other hand, the median income is:

  • Annual: €42,482 (net)
  • Monthly: €3,540 (net)

The minimum wage varies based on age and skill level:

  • Unskilled Adult Workers: At least €2,570.94 per month
  • Skilled Workers: At least €3,085.11 per month
  • Teenagers: 75-80% of the wage for unskilled adult workers

Employers in Luxembourg are required to pay at least these minimums, though they can offer more:

  • Average Gross Minimum Wage per Month: €2,571
  • Average Gross Minimum Wage per Year: €30,852