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Sweden to bring stricter rules for the acquisition of Swedish Citizenship

As per new proposed rules, obtaining Swedish citizenship will be tougher than ever before due to increased eligibility time to eight years, mandatory language, and life in Sweden tests. Foreigners will now have to fulfill more requirements such as cleaner records and financial independence.

Though the Swedish government has already announced the possible naturalization changes back on 29 January 2024, the Minister of Migration Maria Malmer Stenergard once again talked about it on 6 June during an interview with Sveriges Radio.

“Citizenship represents formal membership in Swedish society and has great significance, both legally and symbolically. By tightening the requirements for acquiring citizenship, the value of citizenship is also increased.”

“It is important that you master the language to fully safeguard your rights and obligations. Therefore, I think that you should write an exam to show that you have these skills.”

Maria Malmer Stenergard stated.

What is the new proposed citizenship law in Sweden 2024?

The new law has not been finalized yet, the process could take several months to be finalized. Previously the Swedish government said it it take effect in October 2024, but the new rules could be implemented from January 2025. The proposed changes are as follows:

Changes in the Tidö Agreement

For obtaining Swedish citizenship, the Tidö Agreement outlines a plan to introduce more stringent requirements. Currently under investigation, these proposed changes could significantly impact those seeking a Swedish passport.

Extended Residency Requirement

Foreigners will have to stay longer in Sweden before they can apply for naturalization. The new proposed extension of the residency requirement is from five years to eight years.

This means prospective citizens would need to live in Sweden for eight years before being eligible to apply for citizenship. Previously, the third-country nationals would only have to show that they had been living in the country for five years, in the case of a spouse of a Swedish citizen, the time was reduced to 3 years even.

Integration and financial independence

Furthermore, naturalization applicants must lead an “honorable life” and be financially self-sufficient to be eligible for the Swedish nationality. These criteria aim to ensure that new citizens are well-integrated and capable of contributing to Swedish society.

The government is also considering the introduction of a written test as part of the citizenship process. This test would assess knowledge of Swedish society and proficiency in the Swedish language. Failure to pass this exam could result in the denial of citizenship.

How will the changes go ahead?

A special investigator is tasked with submitting concrete proposals for stricter Swedish citizenship requirements by September 30 this year. These proposals aim to ensure that Swedish citizenship is a mark of full integration and active participation in society. The government-appointed investigator has several specific tasks to address:

  • Propose extending the residency period required to acquire citizenship;
  • Recommend additional knowledge requirements regarding Swedish society and culture for citizenship applicants;
  • Suggest a self-sufficiency criterion for acquiring citizenship;
  • Propose stricter requirements for leading an honorable life;
  • Determine whether a citizenship interview, a declaration of loyalty, or a similar ceremonial component should be required as the final step in the citizenship process;
  • Decide if the procedure for releasing children from citizenship should be revised; and
  • Submit any necessary constitutional changes.

Files from Umer Rasib,,, and Sveriges Radio.